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Further research on secretoneurin in neonatal brain injury

Medicus Mundi (c) urban_lenny (flickr)
Recently we published our ongoing work about the neuropeptide secretoneurin in neonatal brain injury entitled "Administration of secretoneurin is protective in hypoxic-ischemic neonatal brain injury predominantly in the hypoxic-only hemisphere".

Find here free access to the full text article.
Just recently we published our ongoing work about the neuropeptide secretoneurin in neonatal brain injury entitled "Administration of secretoneurin is protective in hypoxic-ischemic neonatal brain injury predominantly in the hypoxic-only hemisphere" in Neuroscience.

Please click here to get free access to our article.

Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | infoA monkey for Site powered by Contwise content management system. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional