- Neonatal Research Lab - Research Interest
- Anna Posod promoviert sub auspicii
- Best abstract award poster 2017 ÖGKJ
- Further research on secretoneurin in neonatal brain injury
- Otto Thalhammer Preis geht nach Innsbruck
- VASCage Poster Award
- Best abstract award 2016 ÖGKJ
- Otto-Thalhammer Preis 2015: Awarded to Karina Wegleiter
- Two abstract awards for Innsbruck Medical University
- Prize for best PhD thesis 2014
- Prämierung Exzellente Diplomarbeit
- Best Abstract Award 2012 - ÖGKJ
- Neonatal Neuroscience Innsbruck stellt sich vor
- Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds 2011
- Max Kade Clinical Clerkship Scholarship
- Preis des allgemeinen Hochschulstipendiums
- Miriam Bachmann receives a scholarship from the Medical University Innsbruck
- Wilhelm-Auerswald-Prize 2009 awarded to Dr. Karina Wegleiter
- Medical University Innsbruck supports young investigator
- MFF Tirol gives grant to the neonatal neuroscience group
- Foreign scholarship Medical University Innsbruck 2008
- Forschung zum Schutz des Gehirns
- Parents of preterms - yearly a monthly salary and thousands of kilometers in the care
- neo.nEURO.network - cooling asphyxiated babies
- Theodor Körner Prize 2006
Neonatal Neuroscience Innsbruck stellt sich vor
Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | info
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