Neonatal Research
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 (c) Elke
The neonatal research group is located in Innsbruck, Austria and is led by Assoc. Prof. PD Elke Griesmaier, MD PhD and Anna Posod MD, PhD.

Our group is part of the Department of Pediatrics II, Neonatology, Innsbruck Medical University.

Good research is a matter of teamwork. In the following we present you the members of our group and also parts of our team of our clinical research projects.
Assoz. Prof. Priv. Doz. Elke Griesmaier, MD PhD Anna Posod, MD PhD
Leader experimental research group and aEEG Leader experimental research group
Martina Urbanek, BMA Eva Huber, BMA
Technician Technician
Ira Winkler, MD Christoph Hochmayr, MD
co-worker co-worker

Neonatal research laboratory
phone: 0043 (0) 512 504 27755 or 27765

Department of Paediatrics II
phone: 0043 (0) 512 504 27309
Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | infoA monkey for Site powered by Contwise content management system. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional