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Max Kade Clinical Clerkship Scholarship

Anna Posod has recently been selected for a Max Kade scholarship and she is currently staying in New York City to attend a 4-week training period at the the Department of Emergency Medicine at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center.
A broad base of medical knowledge and skills is essential for every physician. As is a wide range of experiences. The Max Kade Clinical Clerkship Program provides a means of gaining insight into a foreign culture and health care system. Anna Posod, member of the Neonatal Neuroscience Research Team, has recently been selected for a Max Kade scholarship and is currently staying in New York City to attend a 4-week training period at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, The Bronx, furthering her knowledge of adult acute care.

Further information:

The American Austrian Foundation:

Weill Cornell Medical College:

Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center:

Lincoln Department of Emergency Medicine:
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