Neonatal Research
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Miriam Bachmann receives a scholarship from the Medical University Innsbruck

Miriam Bachmann receives a scholarship from the Medical University Innsbruck and continues her research in neonatal neurophysiology.
Miriam Bachmann has finished her medical studies in June 2010. In July she received a scholarship for six months from the Medical University Innsbruck to continue her research in the field of neonatal neuroscience in the working group of Dr. E. Griesmaier (Department of Paediatrics II, Neonatology, University Children´s Hospital Innsbruck, Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. U. Kiechl-Kohlendorfer).
In her project Miriam Bachmann focuses on the evaluation of the amplitude integrated EEG in the preterm infant. She will present her first results in October at the ÖGKJ 2010 in Linz.
Department of Neonatology Innrain 66/IV 6020 Innsbruck | Tel: +43 / 512 504 27765 | Fax: +43 / 512 504 27766 | infoA monkey for Site powered by Contwise content management system. Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional